Westcliffe is a statutory Town. This means that we as a community have not adopted our own charter, and thus defer to statutory state laws, which is Colorado Revised Statutes.
The form of government is a Board of Trustees made up of the Mayor and the Trustees. The Town Board is the legislative body that determines laws and policies for Westcliffe. The Town Manager, Town Clerk/Administrator, along with staff, is charged with carrying out the decisions of the Town Board and for the day-to-day administration required in the operations of the Town.
Westcliffe has opted out of term limits by voter approval at the April 1998 election. Trustees and Mayor may serve an unlimited number of terms but must run for election at the end of each four-year term.
The Mayor and Town Trustees serve on various committees, boards, and advisory groups.
Neither the Mayor nor the Trustee has regular business hours at Town Hall. Each Trustee is available by contacting Town Hall and leaving a message with the Office.
Town Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at Town Hall. The meetings begin at 5:30 pm. The agendas are posted at Town Hall and website. Workshops are scheduled by the Town Board on an as-needed basis. Direct any questions regarding Town Board meetings and/or work sessions to the Town Clerks office at 719-783-2282.
Your Elected Officials
Board members are elected on an at-large basis; meaning elected by all registered electors of the Town rather than by a specific district or ward within the Town. Terms of office are staggered so three Trustees are elected at one election and the Mayor and three Trustees are elected at the next succeeding election.
The elected governing body is responsible for adopting policies and procedures with the intent to foster a community where people want to live, work, and visit. The Board of Trustees follows the Code of Conduct.
The Mayor and Town Board members do not have offices at Town Hall.
Any correspondence may be mailed to:
The Town of Westcliffe
c/o the Town Clerk
P.O. Box 406
Westcliffe, CO 81252
Town Clerk: Erin Christie, CMC

Paul Wenke
Term Expires: 2026
What brought you here?
Small town life. The beauty of this valley.
What motivated you to run for the Town Board?
I wanted to help make Westcliffe the best small town in Colorado.
Describe one of your goals and objectives for Westcliffe.
To make Westcliffe the best small town in Colorado and to make this a great place to live, work and raise a family.
What challenges you most about being an elected official?
It is the mayor’s job to build consensus and at times that can be challenging, but we always come to an agreement.
Name a random fact about yourself.
I love whales, so much that I painted a humpback on my business.
How do you like to spend your free time?
Spending time traveling with my wife playing golf, fishing, and hunting.
What is the best way for your constituents to communicate with you?
Call me at 719-783-9054, ext. 210.
Open Board Seat

Art Nordyke
Town Trustee
Term Expires: April 2026
What brought you here?
My job brought me to Westcliffe.
What motivated you to run for the Town Board?
I care about the Town and community.
Describe one of your goals and objectives for Westcliffe.
One of my goals is to help the Town grow responsibly.
What challenges you most about being an elected official?
The biggest challenge is in making the right decisions.
Name a random fact about yourself.
I enjoy working with people.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I spend my free time fishing and hunting.
What is the best way for your constituents to communicate with you?
The best way to communicate with me is in person.

Randy Wilhelm
Town Trustee
Term Expires: April 2026
What brought you here?
I moved here to get away from the traffic and noise, the general hustle and bustle of Denver.
What motivated you to run for the Town Board?
I had prior experience with other organizations and boards. I wanted to have input on how the Town and community develop. I would like to try and help people that move here from a larger city understand our small town and the amenities we provide.
Describe one of your goals and objectives for Westcliffe.
Ensure the infrastructure (roads, parks, municipal buildings) is upgraded and continuously improved.
Listening and understanding what the concerns are of the citizens and other board members.
Name a random fact about yourself.
I don’t use computers or social media. I prefer to talk to people face to face.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I like to walk and do things around the house.
What is the best way for your constituents to communicate with you?
Catch me on the street and let’s have a conversation.

Mark Dembosky Mayor Pro-Tem
Town Trustee
Term Expires: April 2028
What brought you here?
Both the beauty and the valley and mountains and a return to small-town life
What motivated you to run for the Town Board?
If you care about a town, then you should offer your time and goodwill. In Custer County, there is a documented shortage of volunteers.
Describe one of your goals and objectives for Westcliffe.
I think growth will occur whether residents wish it or not. My goal would be to manage growth for the town benefit and with minimal negative impact for residents and businesses.
What challenges you most about being an elected official?
I think it is a challenge to inform the public about what we are proposing or executing policies.
Name a random fact about yourself.
I built two houses and rebuilt many. I definitely believe in trying to do things for yourself, by yourself.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I am an avid bicycler and reader. But I sure spend a lot of time helping my kids and their families.
What is the best way for your constituents to communicate with you?
I think concerned citizens should pay attention to town meetings and the webpage, otherwise, my town email.

Bob Fulton
Town Trustee
Term Expires: April 2028
What brought you here?
Small town with community spirit. Great scenery and proximity to areas but not too close.
What motivated you to run for the Town Board?
To contribute to the direction of our Town's future.
Describe one of your goals and objectives for Westcliffe.
Create an historic district in order to protect the historic fabric of our community; start the discussion with CDOT about future through traffic volumes.
What challenges you most about being an elected official?
The time it takes to keep up with the issues.
Name a random fact about yourself.
Born and raised on a dairy farm in Virginia.
How do you like to spend your free time?
Snow skiing, motorcycling.
What is the best way for your constituents to communicate with your?
Call or text.
Chuck Jagow
Town Trustee
Term Expires: April 2026
What brought you here?
I was born and raised here.
What motivated you to run for the Town Board?
I would like to help improve Westcliffe.
Describe one of your goals and objectives for Westcliffe.
To help keep Westcliffe’s small town charm while improving conditions for workers and residents. I also want to protect our night skies.
What challenges you most about being an elected official?
Understanding that we can’t make everyone happy.
Name a random fact about yourself.
My father was part of German fold in the 1890s and my mother was part of the English in the N/W in the 1900s.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I enjoy astronomy – stargazing, motorcycling, and out many pets.
What is the best way for your constituents to communicate with you?
My email is chuckjagowds.com.