If you have a question about your Town, we want to help you get accurate information. This page is a one-stop resource for the important topics in our community.
Have a question? Email us. We'll review your question and post it with an answer here.
The Town reserves the right to rephrase questions before posting. No profane, discriminatory, abusive language or personal attacks will be allowed".
How can you make a difference in your community?
Here are some recommendations for community involvement:
- Become active in your community. See Wet Mountain Valley Community Foundation for more information.
- Bring your concerns, ideas, questions, and problems to the attention of your Board Member or the Mayor. If the matter is outside of the jurisdiction of the Town of Westcliffe, it will be referred to the proper authority.
- Attend public meetings to learn about and provide input concerning the issues and topics in the community that concern you most.
- Volunteer to serve on a town board, committee, or commission to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on a variety of matters.
- Register to vote and exercise your right to vote.
How do I find out about town meetings?
The Board of Trustees meets on the 3rd Monday of every month, beginning at 5:30 pm at Town Hall unless the Monday falls on a holiday. The Planning Commission meets at 3 pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month at Town Hall.
Agendas are generally posted the Friday prior to the regular Board of Trustee and Planning Commission meetings web pages and posted on the Town Bulletin Board at the Westcliffe Town Hall. You may also request to have your email added to the agenda email list by contacting townclerk@townofwestcliffe.com.
To submit your own question, please email us at townclerk@townofwestcliffe.com.
Where do I go to find out if I need a permit for something?
You may find information online at the Building Department web page or at the Town Hall, 1000 Main Street. You may also call 719-783-2282, ext. 12.
My neighbor's fence doesn't follow our HOA guidelines. Can't you do something about that?
The Town of Westcliffe has no authority to enforce HOA guidelines and covenants unless the violation violates Town of Westcliffe’s policies. It is best to contact your HOA’s governing body.
Can't the town do something about all the deer in town? They are eating my plants!
Please contact the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife with concerns about any of our local wildlife. Their number is 719-371-2240.